Dream Cymbals Energy Series Hi Hat 14"

Dream Cymbals Energy Series Hi Hat 14"

  • $279.99
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At Dream we do things differently. We strive to make the best cymbals in the world. No entry level sheet metal low-budget stamped cymbal knockoffs. All our products are carefully hand-crafted to sound and behave like a high quality musical instrument. We believe everyone deserves to play the best cymbals available, so we price them fairly. The gong smiths of China are the world’s best because they have been making gongs and cymbals for centuries longer than anyone. (They probably taught the Turks.) We don’t believe in telling musicians how they should play. So we label our cymbals crash rides; how you play them is up to you. You’ll find Bliss cymbals in metal and Jazz bands, Contact players in hip hop and orchestras, Energy players in rock and country & western. We do believe every drummer has an individual voice. So get down to your favorite music store and give a listen. Bliss. Contact. Energy. They are all great cymbals; one of them will have your sound. Come find your Dream.